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Operations drop due to Coronavirus

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By Euan Maxwell
Operations drop due to Coronavirus

THE NUMBER of operations that were cancelled in the region in January was more than double that of the same month last year, new figures reveal.

Patients awaiting surgery have suffered significant delays as a result of the pandemic, as official NHS statistics show just 626 operations were carried out in Dumfries and Galloway in January compared with 1544 in the same period in 2020 — representing a 59 per cent drop.

Covid-19 restrictions and fewer available hospital beds have been blamed on the slump, but with infection rates and deaths falling – and immunisations well underway – many are calling for the essential services to fully resume.

Conservative South Scotland candidate at this year’s Scottish parliamentary elections, John Denerley, called on the Government to “not forget” about those still awaiting vital operations and procedures.

Mr Denerley added: “Many of these patients will be in pain and need to urgently see a plan from SNP ministers that will give them hope that they will be treated soon.

“There has been an alarming drop in the number of procedures carried out compared to last January. SNP Ministers must give Dumfries and Galloway Health Board the resources required to carry out procedures wherever possible.

“As the situation in our hospitals regarding Covid hopefully continues to improve, hundreds of patients in Dumfries and Galloway cannot wait a moment longer to have procedures which have been cancelled as a result of the pandemic.”