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Windfarm suffers blade damage

By Fiona Reid
Windfarm suffers blade damage

DAMAGE has been identified on the blades of two turbines at the Minsca windfarm near Waterbeck.

And operators Ventient Energy this week confirmed replacement blades will be needed.

It comes after surveyors were spotted near the village looking at road routes to the windfarm. Ventient explained their transport surveyors are currently exploring alternatives routes to transport the new blades to site.

A spokeswoman said: “The periodic maintenance of the fleet had identified the need for blades replacements on two turbines due to damage on the blades that cannot be repaired on site and are required to be returned to a workshop environment. We would like to confirm that there is no damage to the blade tip and no actual visible damage. The damages do not represent a safety hazard, and the turbines are currently on stop to protect any further damage to the blades.

“New blades need to be transported to the site. The original transport route is currently restricted due to a current road closure and bridge maintenance in the near future which is preventing the issue of a transport permit.”

The firm are working to ensure that any transport, maintenance and repair of the blades is compliant with the current Covid-19 restrictions, and the spokeswoman stressed the safety of the community and the environment will be considered all the time.

She added: “We are looking to get this work completed as soon as possible but at this stage, are unable to give a clear date when these repairs will be completed.”

Front, Lockerbie and Lochmaben, News

25th Oct

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