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Views will be sought on cycle track location

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By Charlotte MacKay
Views will be sought on cycle track location

MOFFAT residents will get the chance to have their say about the proposed location of a cycling facility in the town.

That was the message from Moffat Community Council on Tuesday evening in response to concerns from some residents that they had not been consulted about the proposed siting of a pump track in Hope Johnstone park.

A pre-planning application for the pump track, sponsored by the community council, was recently submitted to Dumfries and Galloway Council, with a number of funding applications also being prepared.

But community councillor Jonathan Cosens said some residents had approached him with concerns that the proposed Hope Johnstone site was not a suitable location.

At a meeting on Tuesday he said: “Some of them feel it has already been agreed on and they do not have a say, they feel it is completely out of their hands.”

If approved, the pump track would provide a BMX and mountain biking course suitable for young people and beginners.

Mr Cousens said the benefits of such a facility are obvious to anyone who is involved in cycling, but may be less obvious to the wider town.

He said residents’ concerns centred on the proximity of the site to the busy A701, as well as the potential impact of the track on other activities that already take place in the park.

However, group treasurer David Booth said a potential location had to be identified so that funding could be secured, and the final location could be discussed at a future stage of the planning process.

Annandale North councillor Stephen Thompson agreed and said it was important to emphasise that the pump track is only a proposal seeking funding at this stage.

He said the scale of the potential development meant it was likely that Dumfries and Galloway Council as a planning authority would have to carry out its own consultation work in addition to any consultation carried out by the community council, meaning residents may get two separate opportunities to have their say.

The community has already been told it may take several months for their pre-planning application to be progressed.

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