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Unleash your inner impulses

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By Fiona Reid
Unleash your inner impulses

SPONTANEOUS people are happier, a new survey has found.

And the research of 1000 Brits by Snaptrip found that they are also believed to have more exciting or glamorous lifestyles than others.
From bungee jumping, to booking a last minute holiday or buying something you don’t need, impulsiveness comes in many forms.
Apparently we’re at our most impulsive between the ages of 35-44 and more impulsive people are more likely to be happier in relationships and be in a more senior position at work.
We asked Be readers what’s the most spontaneous thing they’ve ever done:
* Laura Irving, of Ecclefechan, said: “I started stripping wall paper at 1am in morning: I was pregnant and there was a little hanging off! My partner Andrew thought I was off my head as we where just in bed, about to go to sleep. But what us women get in our heads needs to be done.”
* Louise Watson, of Dumfries: “I booked a surprise (child free) long weekend in Spain with my hubby. He didn’t have a clue till we got to Prestwick.”
* Another reader from Dumfries, who wanted to stay anonymous, said: “Running naked in the snow was one of the politest spontaneous things I’ve done.”
* Mary McClelland from Melbourne, Australia, who has family in Dumfriesshire: “I decided in the pub one Fri night to go to Oz and visit my now husband David. I left on the following Friday for three months! Mind you, it took five years before we got married and came here to stay.”

Take the quiz and find out how spontaneous you are at

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