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Tree mystery solved

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Tree mystery solved

THE mystery of a missing memorial tree, planted in the memory of a Lockerbie Air Disaster victim, has been solved.

Resident Nancy Hogg reported that the Atlantic Cedar tree – which was planted at McJerrow Park in 1989 in memory of American Liz Marek – had mysteriously vanished last month.

Fears the tree and its plaque may have been mistakenly removed during park upgrades last year were quashed following an investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Council. Interviews with long-serving members of staff established that the tree was damaged or diseased and had in fact been removed in 2013.

A council spokesman said: “This was around the time that the park was upgraded the last time. The plaque was rusted over and illegible. “In the intervening six or seven years nobody has contacted us regarding its removal.”

Meanwhile, Liz’s sister, Adelaide Marek, told the Annandale Herald last week that discovering the memorial tree had disappeared was a surprise for the family, who hoped another tree could be planted to replace it.

The council spokesman confirmed if the town’s community council or family members would like to place a replacement tree within the park they would “of course work with them to do this”.

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