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Town crest crackdown

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Town crest crackdown

HOW and when should Lockerbie’s official town crest be used? That’s the quandary facing the community council, official holders of the coat of arms.

They have been approached by a frequent American visitor to the town, enquiring about producing car stickers featuring the crest.

So, they discussed the matter at their meeting last week and invited along former group chairman Ken Bailey to get more background.

He said: “It took a lot to get the new coat of arms and I think it’s something that should not be treated lightly.

“It was granted by the Lord Lyon in 2005, former councillor Ted Brown worked hard to get it.”

Discussing how it should be used, he added: “If it’s for a good cause then that’s fine but you cannot have just anybody sticking the crest on things.”

Mr Bailey cited three occasions when the go-ahead was given for it to be used: “When Maxwell Kerr retired from the community council, it was put on a card for him; the same thing happened when May Fletcher died and, most recently, Dennis Turner wanted it for the town hall stationery,” he said. “The criteria we always worked on was if people applied to use it, they had to put their case to the community council and it was decided. It is at the will of the community council.”

Meanwhile, it was noted that some groups in the town are currently using the crest ‘illegally’.

Chairwoman Jan Andrews said: “They should not be, we have to grant permission. They should request this through an official email to the community council.

“The coat of arms should be kept ringfenced and Facebook groups etc should not be using it at all unless we give them permission.”

A final decision on the car sticker suggestion will be made at a future meeting.

Photo: flashback to former councillor Ted Brown, left, and community councillor Ken Bailey with the Lockerbie crest when it was re-granted in 2005

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