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Thieves ransack kids’ stall

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By Fiona Reid
Thieves ransack kids’ stall

TWO enterprising sisters from Johnstonebridge set up shop . . . only for a cruel thief to this week rob pocket money from their stall.

Seven-year-old Ocean and her baby sister River, eight- months-old, opened their Pink Water stall at the end of the summer, specially built by their dad, to sell eggs, bird feed and home grown fruit and veg.

But they woke on Tuesday to nd it had been ransacked and their money robbed.

The girls’ mum, Amy Hen- derson, said: “We started Pink Water as with living rural there isn’t much for the kids to do. So, to teach the girls the value of money and the bene ts of hard work we set them up a stall.

“It’s a way to get the girls out of the house rather than sitting on the iPad. It’s based right at the end of our garden. We have an locked money box bolted to the stall, with prices of what the girls sell, all of what they make pays for after school activities and food for the chickens.

“They sell eggs from their own hens, they sell fresh fruit and veg, all of which Ocean grows herself. For Christmas the girls are selling wooden reindeers with lights.”

Explaining what happened this week, Amy said: “All the bird feeders were stolen, and the tin was burst open and the weekend’s egg money was gone too.

“I took Ocean to the po- lice station after school to

report it on Tuesday.” The incident has given Ocean a big scare, but Amy says it won’t stop them.

She added: “Ocean is now feeling scared be- cause she feels someone is going to be outside. The girls will continue to sell fresh produce from the stall, it’s just a shame at such a young age they have to learn how nasty some people can be.”

Constable Bob Dickson at Lockerbie said: “We have received a report of theft and damage to the Pink Water stall and would ask anyone who may have any knowledge of what has happened to contact us at Lockerbie on the 101 number.

“It is really depressing that those responsible would stoop this low to steal and cause damage to what is an enterpris- ing venture for the girls involved and I would hope that anyone in the community who has an inkling of who is involved gets in touch with us.”

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