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The search is on for the region’s most photogenic pet

By Fiona Reid
The search is on for the region's most photogenic pet

CAN your pooch pout? Is your cat a class act? DnG24, working with our sister papers the Dumfries Courier, Annandale Herald, Annandale Observer and Moffat News, are searching for Dumfries and Galloway's most photogenic pet.


We want you to send in a snap of your pet -whether they be dog, cat, llama or even a fish – looking their finest.

Our top team of pet lovers will pick a winner. Their prize you ask? Well your pet will feature on the front page of your local newspaper!

To apply send a picture to [email protected] by 4 pm on Thursday April 13. Winner will be selected on April 14.


25th Jul

Campaign launched against National Park

By Fiona Reid | DNG24