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Student evacuated from path of hurricane

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By Fiona Reid
Student evacuated from path of hurricane

A STUDENT from Lockerbie was this week evacuated from his American university digs due to Hurricane Dorian.

Champion golfer Chris Finnie, 21, recently returned to his studies in Charleston, South Carolina. But on Monday afternoon he was among hundreds told to leave the area and flee for safer ground by state emergency officials because of the impending storm.

And today officials warned all South Carolina coastal residents to ‘leave now’.

Speaking from the USA, former Lockerbie Academy pupil Chris he said: “This is my second year in Charleston and my second hurricane experience. We had one around this time last year. “My university put out a mandatory evacuation on Sunday evening, and we had to be gone by 4 pm on the Monday. I’m currently in Nashville Tennessee with three of my team mates.

“I hope the hurricane doesn’t hit at a category three or four and cause too much damage to the Charleston area.”

Chris,a Lockerbie Golf Club success story, won a four year scholarship at Odessa College in the Lone Star State, later transferring to a South Carolina base. He is currently in the fourth and final year of his marketing degree.

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