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Stepping out

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By Fiona Reid
Stepping out

HIKING boots, blister plasters and donuts were the order of the day for a group of charity walkers on Sunday.

The nine women completed the 20 mile Cancers of the Rainbow walk from Annan to Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, raising over £1000 on the way for Macmillan Cancer Support. It was organised by mum Louise Ross, of Annan, who was last year treated for a rare form of cervical cancer.

She was keen to give something back to the charity, which supported her and her family during the most difficult of times.

The women left Annan at 8am and walked the low road via Ruthwell and Bankend into Dumfries, arriving at the hospital at Cargenbridge just after 3 pm, footsore but proud.

They were assisted on the day by Michaela Sharkey in a support vehicle and high energy snacks were donated by Atwal’s Stores and Tesco.

Donations can still be made at

Left to right: Sam Copland, Nova Lanchbery, organiser Louise Ross, Colette Dunglinson, Fiona Reid, Hazel Carpenter, Susan Low, Sarah Anderson and Julie Stevenson