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Show success at Yorkshire event

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By Fiona Reid
Show success at Yorkshire event

SEVERAL farmers from the region enjoyed success at the Great Yorkshire Show.

It was the Harrogate debut for the Graham family, of Birsca near Lockerbie, and it proved successful.

Son Jack won reserve female and reserve overall breed champion, as well as 1st aged tup, 1st and 2nd shearling ewe, 2nd group of three with his Kerry Hill sheep.

His parents Donald and Kerry picked up junior breed champion with yearling bull Carruthers Goldsmith W061, who is going for sale at Stirling in October.

It was also the first time competing in Yorkshire for Angie and Stuart Burgess, of Lintmill, New Abbey.

Their one crop ewe, TopSpot Cover Girl, won her class and went on to become female champion and overall Kerry Hill Champion.

Angie said: “On the Friday morning we were out in the non MV sheep interbreed championship, competing against another 24 breed champions and she was tapped forward as reserve champion.

“I honestly can’t believe how well we’ve done, the classes were really strong, the Kerrys had the biggest entries in the Non MV section with 89 entered.”

Chloe Waugh, from Annan, was second in the intermediate show riding type on Hinwood Casanova, owned by her papa James Stuart of Carrutherstown. As a result, she qualified for Horse of the Year show.

Her sister Bella was also competing in the same class with her young horse, Centan Lady Caroline, and came fifth.

Mum Louise Stuart said: “This was their first qualifier together.”

Meanwhile, the team at Solway View Pedigrees near Annan enjoyed ‘a cracking week’ at the Great Yorkshire Show.

Kevin Watret’s British Blue Solway View Pearl, a 12m old heifer, was junior champion and overall champion British Blue, while Solway View Playboy was reserve male champion.

In commercial cattle, Cream Cracker won first prize and titles of best Charolais cross and bred by exhibitor; in the blue texel sheep, homebred tup lamb by Hackney, Your Joking, was crowned male champion and reserve overall champion.

And Ali Jackson picked up prizes in the Beltex, where his Tiptop Gandalf won first ram lamb and was male champion and overall Beltex champion.

In the Dutch Spotted, he claimed first prize gimmer, female champion and reserve overall champion, as well as overall mv interbreed pairs champion.

In the rouge class, Ali had the second prize gimmer, reserve female champion and reserve overall champion.

Meanwhile, the interbreed junior champion beef prize went to an entry from D & R Cornthwaite, Lockerbie.

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20th Oct

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