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ScotRail services slammed by local MSP

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By Amy Duffy
ScotRail services slammed by local MSP

MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries calls for ScotRail to end its covid timetable and return to full service.

Finlay Carson cited packed trains and delays to services as a serious issue which faced Scots workers returning to the office earlier this week.

ScotRail have blamed covid cases as the reason despite isolation rules being reduced since the start of January.

Mr Carson said: “It is absolutely crazy especially when there is now a growing demand from passengers to use rail services now that things are beginning to get back to some form of normality.

“Everything possible should be done to encourage people to start using trains – not discourage them by offering poor services.”

Shadow transport minister, Graham Simpson, is calling on SNP ministers to intervene to spare commuters, with the nationalisation of ScotRail just weeks away.

He said: “Scots cannot be left to suffer the consequences of ScotRail’s cuts indefinitely.

“It is time that the SNP Government stepped in to pressure ScotRail to resume normal service levels ahead of the imminent nationalisation.”


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