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Recycling push

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By Euan Maxwell
Recycling push

A LEAFLET encouraging Moffat and Beattock residents to recycle more has been launched.

It is a collaborative project from Moffat environmental groups, MyEcoMoffat and Moffat CAN. And they have designed a map to be a keepsake full of all local recycling information for residents. MyEcoMoffat’s Hanna Tilahun-Wilson said: “Over the last year we have been gathering, sharing and involved in many eco initiatives to help our town become greener. “A recycle map seemed like a good way to encapsulate all the information in one useful format, especially for those not on Facebook or necessarily online.”

Moffat CAN member Margaret McIlhinney got the leaflet ball rolling, contacting MyEcoMoffat and asking if they wanted to work on a green project together. They then drafted in Moffat graphic designer Zoe Dutton and the map itself came together quite smoothly.

Margaret said: “It has been fantastic working with these ladies and we are very proud of how it has turned out. “I think it’s great when people and organisations come together as we can achieve so much more.”

The leaflet also has information about plastic recycle symbols, non recyclable items, and eco-community initiatives in the area.

Hanna added: “The seriousness of climate change is real and we can only combat it by working together. “As shown on the map, many local businesses and organisations have taken on green initiatives to support our community. Hopefully the leaflet will encourage more people to recycle and give support by volunteering.”

The end vision is to lead Moffat and Beattock to become zero waste areas, which Hanna believes is possible and can be achieved by “working together and all doing our bit”.

Copies of the map can be found in most local shops, The Green Frog and the Moffat Town Hall Community Shop. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to make Moffat and Beattock more environmentally friendly, email [email protected]