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Police target phone users on roads

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By Euan Maxwell
Police target phone users on roads

ROAD policing officers have conducted a covert operation to detect incidents of dangerous driving on the region’s roads.

“Operation Tramline” focused mainly on drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel.

The force said the “innovative patrols” were coordinated in response to concerns raised by both members of the public and local police officers about those who text and call whilst driving.

Officers spent two days on the road in an an unmarked large goods vehicle and unmarked patrol car looking out for offences being committed.

Over that time, they encountered four drivers speeding and five using phones.

In addition, an individual who was driving uninsured had their vehicle seized and another was arrested for drug driving and being in possession of a controlled substance.

Drivers were either reported to the procurator fiscal or issued with fixed penalty notices at the roadside.

Dumfries and Galloway Police Division said: “Driving and using a hand held mobile phones or electronic devices causes distraction, affects concentration and increases the likelihood of being involved in a collision, the consequences of which can be catastrophic.

“If you are caught, you could be fined and your licence endorsed so please put your phone away and don’t put yourself and others road users at risk.

“Reducing the number of persons killed or seriously injured on Scotland Roads is one of our priorities and through operations such as this, targeting offences which are common causation factors in collisions helps to ensure the roads of Scotland are safe for all.”

Lockerbie and Lochmaben, Sport

25th Oct

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