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Neil branches out with new role

By Fiona Reid
Neil branches out with new role

A DUMFRIES man has been appointed by Scottish Forestry as conservator for the south of Scotland.

Neil Murray will be leading the south Scotland team in carrying out key forestry policies. This will include the promotion of woodland creation schemes across the Scottish Borders, right through to the south west of Scotland.

The job also entails protecting and enhancing the area’s forests, woodlands, environment and landscape through forestry regulations.

Neil brings over 30 years of forestry experience behind him working for Forestry and Land Scotland (formerly Forest Enterprise Scotland). In his previous role he was responsible for delivering the harvesting, forest management, roads and deer management programmes in the south’s national forests.

He said: “The importance of forestry to the environment, economy and well-being of Scotland’s people has never been so great as it is today.

“Our forests and woodlands are set to play a bigger role in our country’s response to the climate emergency. With tree planting levels set to increase in the coming years, the south of Scotland will have a big part to play in this. It’s part of my job to work with others and help manage this in a way where we get the right tree in the right place.

“I am really looking forward to the challenges in the new job and the partnership working with fellow foresters, woodland owners, communities and other partners.”

Neil is a graduate from the University of Edinburgh and a member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.

Dumfries and West, Front, News

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