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Mums get ready to offer peer support

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By Fiona Reid
Mums get ready to offer peer support

AFTER a four year hiatus, NHS breastfeeding peer support is returning to Lockerbie.

And this time the venue will be Lockerbie Baby and Toddler Group, thanks to two passionate mums.

NHS nurses and mums-of-two Dawn Hamilton and Sarah Robb have both completed their peer support training in a bid to improve breastfeeding help in the community.

Dawn, mum to Alice and Murray, said: “We got in contact with Andrea Wilson, peer support co-ordinator, saying we felt the service was lacking and asked how could we help to get some support in Lockerbie. “We have been on training sessions with the two breastfeeding supporters in the Dumfries and Galloway, there is a third but she’s on maternity leave and that’s it. We feel it is important to get support as Dumfries and Galloway has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in Scotland.”

And explaining how they can help, Dawn added: “Mums who have issues with feeding etc can find it hard enough getting out of the house but having to go to Dumfries/Annan/Moffat, and some don’t drive, need support closer to home.”

The free sessions get underway on Tuesday March 24 from 1 pm to 2 pm, followed by the usual baby group from 2 pm to 3.30 pm in Dryfesdale church hall.

The group is not exclusively for breastfeeding mums and babies as mums-to-be and parents using other forms of feeding are welcome.

Dumfries and West, Front, News

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