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Local MSP praises men’s shed

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By Ben Murray
Dumfries and West
Local MSP praises men's shed
A DRIVE TO HELP . . . Colin Smyth MSP with Age Scotland's Head of Policy and Communications Adam Stachura and Dalbeattie Men's Shed Secretary Geoff Allison trying out the replica Skeoch car built by members of the shed

DALBEATTIE Men’s Shed received a visit from a local MSP to discuss plans to create a dedicated commissioner for older people.

South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth spoke of his plans to bring forward the bill to Scottish Parliament to aid the elderly in Scotland.

He highlighted that one of the key roles of the Commissioner would be to tackle discrimination against older people by highlighting the contribution they make to local communities.

As such, the network of Men’s Sheds in the region are a great example of that contribution.

Dalbeattie Men’s Shed provides an opportunity for local men from age 50 upwards to turn their hand to many skills from woodcrafting to specialist printing, which has benefited a huge number of local groups and businesses.

Colin Smyth said: “It was great to visit Dalbeattie Men’s Shed, which is a brilliant example of the enormous role older people take in our local communities, not to mention the contribution Men’s Sheds make to the mental and physical wellbeing of the men who go along.

“One of the key roles of my proposed Older People’s Commissioner for Scotland is about challenging the negative stereotypes of ageing and celebrating the immense positive contribution of those in later life.

“Too often they are portrayed in a negative way and talked about as a burden to society but from the workplace to our communities they make such a vital contribution.”


11th Feb

Sir Anton is guest speaker

By Newsdesk | DNG24