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Level zero kicks in

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By Fiona Reid
Level zero kicks in

DUMFRIES and Galloway will today move to level zero restrictions, but with modifications to what was expected.

Face coverings will remain, along with Test and Protect and advice on good hygiene and ventilation.

But changes include:

  • Physical distancing will reduce to a metre in all indoor public settings and outdoors.
  • Informal social gatherings of up to 15 people from 15 households will be permitted outdoors without physical distancing.
  • Gatherings of up to ten people from four households will be permitted in all indoor public settings with one metre physical distancing.
  • Hospitality settings can open till midnight, if current licence permits that, and customers will no longer be required to pre-book a two-hour slot to go to a pub or restaurant.
  • Up to 200 people will be able to gather at weddings and funerals.
  • Home working will still be advisory.

Also from today, travellers who are fully vaccinated and children arriving into Scotland from Amber List countries will no longer be required to self-isolate and take a day eight test, but adults and children over 12 will still take tests before travelling and on day two after arrival. Anyone testing positive for or experiencing symptoms will still require to isolate for ten days.

Nicola Sturgeon said: “This is intended to ensure that our pace of easing restrictions is sensible in light of the challenge we continue to face from the Delta variant.

“Covid does remain a threat that we must treat seriously.

“We are easing restrictions – but we are not abandoning them.”

Dumfries and West, News

18th Oct

D&G politicians pay tribute to Scotland’s former First Minister

By Christie Breen | DNG24