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Kind Avril’s Easter treat

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By Benjamin Johnstone
Kind Avril's Easter treat

A NURSE from Dumfries spent Easter weekend making sure people were cared for in and out of work

Avril Brown and her family shared their roast dinner at the weekend with those in need.
She said: “I had a huge sirloin roast and all the trimmings for all the family.
“It struck me I had all this food and there may be someone in Dumfries struggling to make a nice meal for Easter.
“I spoke to my husband Stephen, he agreed to deliver the meal and I would cook it. He was obviously practising social distancing when delivering, and we made the food to the highest level of hygiene which I am naturally extremely aware of and I’m pretty OCD normally.”
She posted the offer on Facebook asking if anyone knew of any elderly couples that needed a boost with a nice meal.
And she was inundated with messages but one in particular stood out because of a horrible situation they had been involved with during this lockdown.
Janice and Joe Craik had been conned out of £200 by two men pretending to work for the water board, which had upset them both dearly.
Avril decided they needed a treat and said: “I made roast beef with all the trimmings, a bottle of Schloer, a huge pudding of apple strudel and custard, two Easter eggs and I made a banana loaf for them to enjoy with a cuppa later on.
“I love to give, it’s so rewarding and it’s something I am comfortable with.”
This generous act did not stop there as her family had seen the post online and felt left out, so all the family ended up delivering meals to everyone who got in touch.
Avril added: “My husband Stephen and I collapsed on the sofa about 7 pm with a plate of chips and buttered bread.
“We had seen enough roast beef and sometimes it’s just the simple things that are good.”