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Ideas on energy saving

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale

A HOST of energy saving tips are being promoted by the Scottish Government to help homeowners.

And there is also an advice line and interest free loans available, all in a bid to help people save energy and money.

Heating and insulation is just one of the areas in which changes can be made, including:
* Draught proofing windows and doors and blocking cracks in floors and skirting boards. This can lead to savings of up to £35 a year.
* Using heating thermostats and radiator valves can save between £80-£165 a year.
* Stop blocking the heat, e.g. don’t hang washing on radiators to dry and don’t position bulky furniture near radiators.
* Hang reflective foil behind radiators to stop heat escaping through the wall.
Saving water is another means of saving money with the average UK household getting through 360 litres a day. That can be cut by:
* Using a bowl rather than tap to wash up and only filling the kettle with the amount you need.
* Swapping one bath a week for a shower and using a water efficient showerhead
* A running tap wastes more than six litres of water a minute, so turn it off while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face.
* Fix dripping taps, as they waste over 5500 litres of water a year
* Just use your washing machine once a week
Meanwhile, when it comes to lighting, switching to LEDs can save £35 a year on bills, and turning them off when you’re not using them saves about £15 annually.
To get more tips and expert advice, contact the Home Energy Scotland helpline on 0808 808 2282.
Advisors are available Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm.
During 2016 there were over 80,000 calls to the line.

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