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I will cycle 500 miles

David gets on his bike for brave tot Henry

By Euan Maxwell
Dumfries and West
I will cycle 500 miles

A DETERMINED Dumfries man is in the middle of completing a colossal 500 mile cycling challenge for a cause close to his heart.

Joiner David Macfarlane is clocking up the miles to raise money for little three-year-old Henry Hall, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour earlier this year.

David went to school with Henry’s dad, Cameron, and when he heard the news about the toddler he wanted to try and make a difference.

He said: “I was heartbroken when I heard about what was happening to Henry.

“I have a two-year-old myself and found it far too close to home.

“If I put myself in Cameron’s position, even for a second, it was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Nobody should have to endure something so terrible, especially an innocent child.”

FUNDRAISER . . . Little Henry Hall with his dad Cameron 

And David’s mind was set to help in whatever way he could.

He added: “The 500-mile target was suggested by a friend as I originally planned to do it as 25 miles a day for 20 days before being reminded, I’m overweight and very unfit, so this gave me five rest days, if required.

“However, since starting I have decided if Henry can’t take a day away from his fight, I won’t be taking a day off the bike until I’ve completed the challenge.”

The 29-year-old decided not to prepare for the challenge and actually picked up an exercise bike on the first day of the fundraiser.
David admits the first week of the mammoth cycle was a struggle.

“The toughest thing to deal with has been the small seat of the bike,” he said. “Cramp was also an issue for the first couple of days followed by the burn the next couple of days. Since then, the reason behind all of this has been enough to power through.

“I had every intention of using my road bike where possible but have yet to get out on it. Between the Scottish weather and working long hours I’ve struggled to find a day that I could get out, hopefully I will hit the open road in the near future though.”

UP FOR THE CHALLENGE . . . David is clocking up the miles

David has just completed 280 miles out of the 500, and admitted reaching the halfway mark was a “great feeling” and is confident he will achieve the gruelling task without missing a day.

Since starting the challenge, David says the reaction from the Dumfries community has been second to none.

He contacted local companies to see if they would be interested sharing the cause and has been blown away by the response.

He said: “I thought it would be a good idea to raise awareness of the fundraiser by getting temporary signage on a few vans.

“I phoned 15 companies to see if they would support and every one of them said they would help in one way or another.

“Today we have 20 vehicles throughout the region with posters of Little Henry’s story and a link to donate on them.

“I’m also getting messages daily from people I haven’t spoken to for years asking how they can help. I honestly can’t believe the response this has had. There are so many good people in this town all coming together to do their part, it’s amazing.

“I can’t thank everybody enough for their support it has been tremendous.”

Cameron’s sister, Rudi, has set up a fundraising page for people to donate.<Bf”Swiss 721 BT”>

To donate visit and search for ‘Please help Henry’s mummy & daddy look after him’

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