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Happy homemade Christmas!

By Fiona Reid
Happy homemade Christmas!

HOW about having a homemade Christmas this year?

I’VE been getting crafty with my kids in time for the festive season and here’s some of my favourite ideas for putting your own stamp on Christmas.

1. Reindeer food.
This is a Reid family favourite and an absolute must for Christmas Eve – it’s the last thing we do with the children before they go to bed.
It’s really easy to make and it looks great when it’s all packaged up.
Just get some porridge oats and glitter and mix up in a big bowl. Add some foil confetti in festive shapes, eg snowflakes, bells, holly. Then, fill cellophane bags with the ‘feed’ and tie with ribbon. Distribute to all the youngsters you know and tell them to sprinkle it outside their front door on Dec 24 so the reindeer can see the twinkles and know to visit them.

2. Dough decorations
It’s surprisingly easy to make your own decorations and they make great personalised gifts too.
To whip up a batch of salt dough you just need a cup of salt and a cup of plain flour mixed together. Add water until it ressembles a firm dough (it mustn’t be sticky). Roll out on a floured surface until it’s about half an inch thick then cut or press out your shapes. Bake in a low oven, about 100 degrees, for three hours.\!q
Once they are cool it’s time to decorate. Spray paints or acrilyic paints are the best to use, along with glue and glitter. Go wild!

3. Cute cards
We like to make our own cards for family members. In the past we’ve done potato prints but this year we’re using hands and feet.
Dip tiny hands in green pain and with fingers slightly splayed press onto a card. Hey presto, it’s a Christmas tree! Just draw a star on top and paint on baubles.
Or, dip small feet in brown paint to make a reindeer face. Draw on antlers, eyes and a red nose.

4. Colourful cones
Gather up dry pine cones and spray them gold or silver for a festive feel. Then group together in bowls around the house. Or, dab with glue and then drop into a bag or jar full of glitter and shake to coat in sparkle.

5. All wrapped up
This is one I’m itching to try this year . . . We leave our pillowcases for Santa in the living room by the fireplace. So, when my husband and I retire to bed, I’m going to wrap up the doorway so that the kids have to burst through it in the morning to see if the man himself has been. I think it will add an extra level of excitement to the big day!
Ps – I’ve also heard about mini donuts you can leave out for the Elves. They’re basically indiviual Cheerios (cereal) iced and put into a tiny box. Super sweet!

Pine cone and christmas tree branches with lights decoration


26th Jul

Club marks 40 years

By Fiona Reid | DNG24