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Flower power keeps Annan blooming

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Flower power keeps Annan blooming

A GROWING army of people in Annan are demonstrating flower power — helping to keep the town blooming.

Calls for more people and organisations to take on responsibility for the High Street’s flower tubs have been answered, but more support is still being sought.
Marion Stewart from The Royal Burgh of Annan Community Council said: “We’ve got two more — Annan Activity and Resource Centre and Atwal Convenience Stores.”
The latest additions join a growing movement which already includes Fiona Kerr and her husband Jeff — who have adopted two tubs in front of Annan Old Parish Church, inspired by the beautiful blooms they discovered on a trip to Kelso.
Other participants are Marion and her sister Janet Johnstone, Robert and Yvonne McGregor, while John Mackie of J&E Mackie hardware and ironmongers already maintains two hanging baskets at the Cafe Royal.
Talks are also underway with a public house and a local plumber.
Those adopting the tubs are asked to provide the plants and take on maintenance and weeding.
In return, the community council are providing plaques which will be fixed to the tubs, noting their adoption.
A spokeswoman for Annan Activity and Resource Centre said: “The community’s been very good in supporting members of Annan Activity and Resource Centre.
“And when we suggested to the group they thought it was a good idea to give something back to the community.”
She added: “We had money from a fashion night and a Big Breakfast morning, so we’re going to put of that towards this.”
But despite the moves, Marion is keen to stress the council should not seek to make savings as a result.
She said: “What we’re hoping is that the budget that the council’s saving by not planting they’ll put into the community in other ways.”
Marion proposes the reinstatement of a flower bed grassed over at the bottom of Battery Street as a result of cuts, or replacing flower tubs which are in a poorer condition.
Around six tubs have still to be adopted, and anyone interested can contact The Royal Burgh of Annan Community Council.


08th Feb

Artists and makers unveiled for Spring Fling

By Fiona Reid | DNG24