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Failing rural road finally gets fixed

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By Fiona Reid
Failing rural road finally gets fixed

A NINE week road closure kicked off this week to enable a failing road to finally be fixed, with officials warning of disruption for locals.

Contractors have started work on the B722 in Eaglesfield, which has been the subject of village concern for several years.

Explaining what’s going on, the council’s principal roads officer Mike Fawkes said: “Over the last year or two we have had a series of defects on this section of road. Over that time the defects have got steadily worse and each time they have become more significant to repair.

“We decided to do some ground investigation works, looking at the ground below the road. During that process we had to extend the ground investigation because what we were finding was actually going beyond the current location where the defects are. Hence, the reason we have come up with the engineered solution that we have got.

“The scale of works certainly increased over and above what we originally anticipated.”

Mr Fawkes said the job requires work to be done in two phases: firstly, outside the shop on the main road, then on the side road leading to Waterbeck.

He added: “The reason for the phasing is due to the depths we are having to excavate to, hence the reason for the closure. The depths we are having to go down to, it is actually unsafe to move traffic alongside.

“There will be disruption by the very nature of it.”

The work will be carried out by Cubby Construction, of Carlisle, and overseen by the council’s design team.

Photo above: community councillor Elaine Irving and resident Lisa Hogg are pleased the road is finally getting fixed


24th Oct

“Behind bars where he belongs”

By Fiona Reid | DNG24