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Engagement rings for everyone

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By Fiona Reid
Engagement rings for everyone

TRADITIONALLY it’s been women who have worn engagement rings following a proposal.

But in today’s world, anything goes – and that includes who wears the ring and who does the proposing.

That means there’s a new trend emerging in the UK of engagement rings for men, although it’s been on the go in spots such as Sweden, Chile, and Brazil for several years.

Commenting, Langholm-based jeweller Lisa Rothwell-Young says she’s aware of the growing demand for more male jewellery.

She said: “I usually see engagement rings for men, where they are being proposed to (as opposed to doing the proposing).

“Rather than also wearing a wedding ring, many men will opt to wear their engagement ring as their wedding ring – as do some brides.”

Offering advice to any couples looking for a more male-focused piece of jewellery, she said: “Many men are unused to wearing jewellery so comfort and ease of wear is key. Textured finishes are hard wearing and great at hiding scuffs and scratches from everyday wear, in the way a highly polished finish will not.

“Likewise, if a ring is to be gemset, choose harder stones such as diamond, sapphire or ruby and consider flush or bezel settings as these offer some protection from wear and tear.

“I’d encourage couples to choose 100 per cent recycled, fairmined or fairtrade metal where possible as these are more ethical and sustainable options. Even more sustainable is to not buy more than you need – do you need two rings, or could the money be best spent elsewhere? Just because something is “trendy” doesn’t mean you have to do it too.

“There are no rules, do your wedding your way and prioritise the things that matter most to you.”

Also noticing a change in buying habits is Dumfries jeweller David Gauld, of Gems.

He said: “It still seems like the women come first generally and the guys are not often fussed about wearing a ring. And it’s the same when it comes to wedding bands, couples usually look for the lady’s one first and then the guy and they’ll buy something like titanium or silver.

“But it is creeping in that if the lady if getting a nice wedding band, then the guy will as well.”

Dumfries and West, News

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