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Dumfries ‘super school’ closed indefinitely

By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Dumfries 'super school' closed indefinitely

FRUSTRATED Dumfries and Galloway Council have closed North West Community Campus indefinitely.

Following reports of a nursery aged child being injured by an electronic whiteboard, the council have shut the campus until independent assurances can be given on the safety of the building.

A spokeswoman for Dumfries and Galloway Council said: “We have reached a stage where the council has lost confidence in any assurances we have been given in relation to the building. We understand and share the anger and frustration of pupils, parents and our staff. Our only concern is their safety.

“It is a disgrace that we are faced with the issue of public safety after receiving assurances on a number of occasions from the contractor Graham and the developers HUB South West, that the building had been checked and double checked.

“We are appalled by this latest incident and will not be re-opening the school until we are absolutely confident and have the independent third party assurances that every bolt, screw and fitting has been checked, double checked and is certified safe.

“An incident response team has been set up to assure the continuity of pupil education. The young people of North West Dumfries deserve much more and we are angry and disappointed at the disruption to their education.”

Meanwhile the community have reacted to the closure news with many branding the closure marred school ‘DG Two’ after the town’s leisure centre, DG One, another council owned facility that has been marred with construction issues.



25th Oct

High support for green mortgages in region

By Fiona Reid | DNG24