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Deputy First Minister visits The Crichton Campus

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By Abbey Morton
Deputy First Minister visits The Crichton Campus

DEPUTY First Minister John Swinney MSP saw first hand how partnership is taking further education in the region from strength to strength.

The Crichton Campus Leadership Group chairwoman Dame Barbara Kelly welcomed the Deputy First Minister to The Crichton last week to discuss the strategic priorities of the partnership.

The Scottish Government backed the establishment of the Crichton Campus Leadership Group in 2013 and with co-operation from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) they launched the group with representation from the five academic partners; Dumfries and Galloway College, The Open University in Scotland, Scotland’s Rural College, University of Glasgow and University of the West of Scotland.

The Crichton Trust, The Crichton Foundation, Crichton Carbon Centre, Dumfries and Galloway Council, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, Scottish Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland and the South of Scotland Economic Partnership are also active members of the group.

Dame Kelly was delighted to engage CCLG members in a discussion with the Minister about the future for The Crichton and valued the opportunity to report on the achievements of the group to date.

Mr Swinney said: “All partners recognise the importance of a collaborative approach to delivering Higher and Further Education across Dumfries and Galloway.

“It was very encouraging during this visit to see academic and business partners working more closely with local agencies and to hear their plans to tailor learning opportunities to meet the specific needs of regional employers. Partners are also committed to enhancing the student experience and increasing research and knowledge exchange activities.

“The ambition to put The Crichton on the world map as a Centre for Business Innovation and Collaboration is exciting news for the South of Scotland and should significantly contribute to the economic prosperity and wellbeing of the region.”


25th Oct

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By Euan Maxwell | DNG24