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Carole shares her best brownies

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By Fiona Reid
Carole shares her best brownies

GOOEY, fudgy, decadent, nutty, fruity or drizzled with sticky caramel . . . a good brownie is hard to resist.

But the best can be a faff to make (if you want to make sure you end up with a true brownie complete with papery top and not an over-baked sponge).

However, a chef lecturer at Dumfries and Galloway College has come up with an award-winning recipe created specifically for use by campers.

An oven is still required, so only the most prepared tent-dwellers could recreate Carole McShane’s brownies.

But the award comes from the Camping and Caravan Club’s Club Master Chef Competition 2021 and is perfect for caravan use.

Carole is a long-term lover of caravanning, and her brownies wowed the judges and have been included in a cookbook published by the club.

She was also awarded a new barbecue set for her success.

COOK . . . Carol is a college lecturer locally

Dumfries and Galloway College is proud of Carole and has sent its congratulations to her for her achievement.

Principal Joanna Campbell said: “I’d like to send my personal congratulations to Carole for her win in this competition.
“She is an incredibly talented and creative chef and entirely deserves this award.
“Carole is a real asset to our hospitality team and we’re happy to join with her in celebrating her success.”

The chef has an active Instagram account ( and is active in the online staycation community, where she regularly shares her ideas, hints, and tips for whipping up delicious treats while on holiday.


26th Jul

Club marks 40 years

By Fiona Reid | DNG24