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Calgary calling for curlers

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By Abbey Morton
Calgary calling for curlers

DESPITE a global pandemic, a team of top curlers is heading to Calgary for the World Men’s Curling Championships.

Team Mouat has been selected to represent Scotland at the top tier event in Canada, and it is the first time in over a year they will have had the chance to compete on the international stage.

Skip Bruce Mouat is joined by Hammy McMillan and Bobby Lammie from Stranraer, Grant Hardie from Dumfries, and Ross Whyte from Thornhill is fifth man.

They will be in Calgary for five weeks in a ‘bubble’ and the only time they will leave isolation in their hotel is to compete at the ice rink.

The skip said: “It enables us to compete with our international rivals again.

“That will be a bonus seeing the familiar faces we are so used to seeing every other week on tour.

“It will only be when we are on ice and not elsewhere, but it will be great to test ourselves against them.”

While they have not had those opportunities to face international opposition, Mouat feels his team is as well prepared as it could be.

“We feel incredibly fortunate that British Curling has enabled us to prepare providing training and domestic competition which has put us in a good spot and so despite all the restrictions and cancellations we feel ready to go to the Worlds.”

The team suffered disappointment last year when the World Championships was cancelled, and Mouat said he was ‘over the moon’ to get the selection and another chance to go.

“We are so excited and after everything that has happened over the last year we wanted to jump at this opportunity.

“The big thing this year is that this will be our first taste of international competition for over a year.

“Usually we have a busy international schedule and a good lead up to a major event with plenty of games under our belts.

“This will be a very different test this time around.”

Games get underway on April 3.

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