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Blogmas Day 21 – Waste not

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By Abbey Morton

IS your bin bulging with wrapping paper by Boxing Day?

Do you throw out piles of uneaten food too?
This Christmas, why not be more waste conscious and help the planet at the same time.
That’s the message from Zero Waste Scotland who are encouraging everyone reuse, recycle and repair this season.
Suggestions include giving pre-loved presents or practical options like sewing classes and repair skills; sending e-cards instead of paper ones; using old comics and magazines to wrap presents; do a family Secret Santa instead of buying gifts for everyone; make a list before you hit the shops . . . and stick to it; opt for solar powered outdoor lights; turn off your tree lights when you’re not at home; buy experiences as presents rather than material gifts, or think about crafting or cooking your own.
According to figures from Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS), Scots are expected to send more than 95 million Christmas cards this year; that’s enough to fill over 13,000 wheelie bins.
Meanwhile around 19,000 miles of wrapping paper will be used across the country – enough to wrap the coast of mainland Scotland more than two and a half times.
And that’s not even including food waste, with more than 50,000 tonnes of food and drink expected to be binned in Scotland during the month of December alone.
ZWS chief executive Iain Gulland said: “Giving Christmas presents is such an enjoyable thing to do, and no-one likes the idea of them going to waste. Scotland is really leading the way on growing the circular economy, so it’s fantastic to see gift options emerging that let people give more meaningful presents that are unique and better for the environment.”

Front, Moffat, News

26th Jul

The mother of all surprises!

By Abbey Morton | DNG24