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Blogmas Day 16 – Christmas Jumper Day

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By Abbey Morton

RED or green, adorned with bells, lights, pom-poms and sequins, featuring song lyrics or festive slogans - we've seen it all when it comes to Christmas jumpers.

Across Britain 40 million people, 63 per cent, will be wearing woolly knits at some point during the Christmas period and in the build-up to Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.
And tomorrow, the annual Christmas Jumper Day started by the charity will see people across the region stick on a silly sweater and donate £2 to save lives.
Members of the local branch of the Save the Children Committee will individually be holding events.
From coffee mornings with friends to school-wide celebrations and even a toddle waddle in Lochmaben – the members are all raising money and awareness.
Save the Children Ambassador, celebrity and former Annan resident Ashley Jensen said: “Christmas is the best time of year to embrace your silliness – especially when it’s for such an important cause.
“A few weeks ago I travelled to the Lesbos in Greece and saw first-hand how Save the Children is helping refugee families who have fled the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
“Many of the children I met had been through unimaginable suffering and risked their lives in search of a better future.
“Most of them will be spending their Christmas Day in refugee camps but at least they will be getting the essential care and support they need while trying to rebuild their lives, thanks to Save the Children.
“So put on your sweaters and get silly for a serious cause.”
To donate visit


26th Jul

Triple-tastic for petanque family

By Abbey Morton | DNG24