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Ann’s quilting project goes global

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By Newsdesk
Ann’s quilting project goes global

‘CHANGING Minds around the World’ is a new quilting project involving 40 quilters from 40 different countries and organised and curated by well-known quilter Ann Hill from Mouswald.

The project looks at how those living with dementia can view a photograph and see something completely different from another person. It might be a memory from their childhood, may spark imagination or simply be appreciated as a nice photograph.

Ann’s project started in Dumfries and Galloway with an image of rural Mouswald Church taken by her husband David close to their home.

She said: “I asked him for a photograph of anything he found interesting and our church means a lot to our family. It’s one of the places our young grandchildren like to visit on walks with David. They tell stories about the gravestones, visit farmer Goldie’s Field to look at St Peter’s Well and watch out for sheep.”

The 40 quilts all measure 24” x 18 inches and Ann’s quilt which started the project looks across the fields to Mouswald Church, pictured above.

She took a photograph of her finished quilt and sent it to the second quilter Paula Rafferty in Ireland and she took her inspiration from Ann’s quilt and made the second one. This chain carried on until all 40 quilts were completed which took three years finishing in Korea.

Anusha Krishnamurthy, a quilter from India, said: “This project, comprising all the pieces fused together, demonstrates the fact that all our lives are ultimately similar in some respects. The pieces are different colours, textures, sizes but also have a lot in common. It also conveys how images for numerous reasons can often be helpful to those with dementia

“My art is a visual interpretation of how so many of us from around the world have joined without knowledge about each other, our lives or lifestyle etc., yet we take inspiration from just a picture on a quilt someone has created. Just like in life, we can choose to be inspired or not and how we can sew all that life throws at us and make our magical story beautiful.“

The ‘Changing Minds around the World’ collection will make a public debut in the McFarlan Hall in Clarencefield on Saturday October 30 and Sunday October 31 from 10 am – 5 pm each day. Teas and cakes served. Covid rules apply – masks must be worn.

A programme of showings elsewhere in the UK will follow and then the collection moves overseas.

“It will cost you nowt to get in but £3 to get out,” quipped Elaine Milven, committee member of Shambellie Quilters and the Quilters Guild representative for Dumfries and Galloway.

“There will also be fabric and quilts for sale. Funds raised will go to Shambellie House Trust to help install a disabled lift in the house at New Abbey which is currently being refurbished.”


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