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Annan folk take the streets by storm

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By Lisa Barbour
Annan and Eskdale
Annan folk take the streets by storm

WALKERS, runners, cyclists and even the odd rider continue to pound the streets of Annan as part of a popular exercise initiative.

Annanites of all ages have been making the most of the good weather this week as they bag vital points through the Beat the Street scheme.
As revealed last week, the initial target of 25,000 miles was broken within the launch week, and participants are now well on their way to smashing the revised 75,000 miles
target put in place – with more than 68,000 miles already clocked at the time of going to print.

beat the street schiller
Beat the Street engagement manager Sue Ingham said: “We are absolutely thrilled with the enthusiastic way that Annan has embraced Beat the Street.
“An incredible 37 per cent of Annan are taking part and we’ve heard some fantastic stories about how people are getting together and enjoying walking, cycling and running round the town.
“Usually we have about 18 per cent of a town take part but Annan has gone way beyond this and they are phenomenal.”

beat the street hamiltons
And organisers are hopeful the momentum will continue for the duration of the initiative, which finishes on October 12.
It is still not too late to register swipe cards at, which offers the chance to win lucky tap prizes at some of the ‘beat boxes’.


25th Oct

Children’s care home cost is “horrific”

By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter | DNG24