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Be body confident

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By Fiona Reid
Be body confident

LINDSAY Reid is on a mission to boost the nation’s body confidence and improve wellbeing and self esteem.

The former Dumfries woman, pictured above left, was behind the inaugural Body Confidence Live expo in Glasgow last month.

And following its success, she’s keen to organise similar events in future.

Lindsay, who went to Dumfries High, said: “Body confidence is such a topical issue and something that everyone can relate to in some way, whether they struggle with it or have found ways to achieve it.”

Discussing female attitudes, she said: “I think most people at some point in their lives struggle with how they feel about themselves and their bodies and it’s something we talk about fairly often in terms of how we think we look, how we feel about ourselves and things we might like to change about ourselves or about our lives.” However, it’s not just women who suffer, adds Lindsay: “I actually think men have the same kind of issues – many try to live up to the images they see on social media and feel disappointed if they don’t – they strive for a kind of male body perfection that has been created by society too. “But, men are probably less likely to talk openly about it just now. I think that’s changing though.”

However, youngsters are often the most affected and Lindsay said: “I do think young people are possibly the most impressionable when it comes to comparing themselves to others, judging each other for how they might look, and worrying desperately about how they do look, or why they don’t look a certain way.”

Now living in Glasgow and working in PR, she’s often frustrated by society’s focus on looks and said: “We constantly see images that seem to suggest there are body shapes, looks and lifestyles that equate to looking good which gives the impression, particularly to younger people, that they should be striving to achieve those looks and gives them a sense of having failed somehow, or not being good enough, if they don’t look like that.

“I think that’s changing though and there is a much stronger message now promoting the idea that accepting and enjoying how you look as an individual person is a healthier aim.”

Her aim is to make others appreciate the great things their bodies can do: “We only get one body and it’s a real shame to think we might battle with it and mistreat it during that time, instead of making the most of what we have and focusing on all the great things we can contribute and achieve in life,” said Lindsay. “Finding ways to feel more positive about yourself will impact your mood, the choices you make, the relationships you have and your belief in what you can achieve. It’s also about being kind to yourself and trying not to judge yourself too harshly.”

* For more information and to hear about future events follow @bodyconfidencelive on Instagram and Facebook


10th May

Closed road to reopen next week

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