MOFFAT neighbours James Fitzpatrick and Dorothy Lammie, right, are fed up with their homes being continuously ‘bombarded’ with road debris from a nearby pothole.
And they fear if it’s not fixed then someone could end up hurt.
James and his wife moved into their bungalow at Holmend last August and ever since then their living room, kitchen and hallway windows have been pelted with stones and concrete from a large crater just outside on the A708.
The hole is three feet wide and over six inches deep and is getting steadily bigger as large chunks of rocks and concrete are dislodged with every passing vehicle. James said: “I’m out every other day cleaning the windows, and I swept the pavement the other day but a few days later it’s back covered in muck and the stones and rocks are all over the pavement.
“It’s difficult keeping up with it because of all the traffic, there’s vans and timber lorries and cars coming this way all the time. They all do well to avoid it, but it’s the A708 so there’s always going to be traffic and
because there’s always cars parked on the other side of the road the hole keeps getting bigger because that’s where the traffic goes.
“It’s only going to get worse when the doctor’s surgery moves out this way.”
He is frustrated at the lack of action from Dumfries and Galloway and said: “I’ve reported it several times but no one has been out to fix it and it keeps getting worse.
“Dorothy has reported it too but still nothing been done.
“It’s a matter of time until someone gets hurt.”

Meanwhile, Dorothy has been living in her home for over 40 years and claims to have never seen the road in such poor condition.
She added “It’s been dug up several times by the water, gas and internet but this is dangerous. I’ve been soaked more than a few times coming out of my garden but cars go by so quickly you can’t get their reg number.
“I’d hate to see someone injured by a rock, the hole is so deep now you could bath a baby in it.”
The pair have spoken to Annandale North Cllr Lynne Davis, who has been to see the pothole for herself.
Yesterday she confirmed she has reported it to the roads team and expects to hear back later this week.
She added: “It’s due for an emergency repair as the temperatures are too low for a full repair.”