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Housing views sought

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Housing views sought

RESIDENTS across Dumfries and Galloway are being asked for their views on housing within the region.

Dumfries and Galloway Council is preparing a new Local Housing Strategy that will set out how the council and its partners will deliver housing and housing services over the next five years.

The strategy will detail the council’s plan for addressing the housing challenges facing communities, including: increasing the range of housing options to meet need; developing successful places that are connected to transport, services and jobs; improving housing choice and affordability; supporting people with health conditions and disabilities to live independently and well; improving the energy efficiency of homes and tackling climate change; and improving the quality and condition of existing homes.

Cllr Ian Blake, said: “We know that good quality homes play a huge role in improving the lives of local people. The economic opportunities of housing for Dumfries and Galloway are vast, with tens of millions having been spent improving and providing homes just in the last year. This consultation is an opportunity for everyone in our region to be involved in the development of the councils’ Local Housing Strategy and have their say in shaping how we prioritise our approach to the delivery of housing services and investment.”

Residents can now give their views on housing issues via a survey at:

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