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Five-star staff at Lockerbie care home

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By Euan Maxwell
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Five-star staff at Lockerbie care home

STAFF at a Lockerbie care home have been praised after a recent inspection.

The Care Inspectorate hailed the “happy and motivated” Dryfemount Care Home team which they say enhanced clients’ outcomes.

Significant strengths were found during the unannounced inspection in December last year.

Inspectors noted that staff knew and used their knowledge of people to provide good person centred care. They also praised how staff and management worked hard to meet outstanding areas for improvement.

The report read: “Staff training took place both in person and online with a high level of compliance recorded.

“The staff were knowledgeable about people and their conditions which meant that people were offered the appropriate support .

“The staff team were motivated and worked well together. They had received regular supervision and felt supported by the management team.

“Staffing needs were regularly reviewed. A recent restructuring of the staff team provided flexibility and management support. The variable shift times contributed to effective staffing at busy times such as early in morning and at night. The management team had a flexible attitude to role changes and a focus on staff well being.

“Staff worked well as a team and were flexible with regards to tasks undertaken. This contributed to a happy and motivated staff team which enhanced peoples’ outcomes.”

The care home received a very good grade for its staff – the second highest possible grade.

Meanwhile, the care home’s support for people’s wellbeing; leadership; setting and care and support plans received good grades.

Inspectors added: “The environment was fresh and welcoming. It was clean and fresh with a good standard of decor.

“There was evidence of involvement of the people supported in choosing themes and decor for both their personal spaces and communal rooms. This increased people’s sense of belonging.

“Staff encouraged people to participate in their support and day to day activities, which assisted people to maintain their skills.

“People told us that there were a range of activities on offer. We saw the use of a ‘wishing tree’, resulting in people taking part in a variety of activities, including visits to see horses and places of interest. “Families told us ‘she has laughed more in the last year than she ever did before’.

“The service had good links to the local community. The weekly coffee mornings are well attended and regular visits from the local playgroup, nursery and school provide interaction with different young people. This helped people to retain their links with the community.”

Dumfries and West, Front

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