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Action call on road markings

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben

CONCERNS are growing over a lack of road markings on Lockerbie High Street.

At Tuesday night’s community council the issue was raised by members who are sick of locals inconsiderate, and sometimes dangerous , parking habits.

Councillor Gail Macgregor explained that since the £1 million Lockerbie Regeneration Masterplan works were started, the high street no longer has any double yellow lines.

She said: “I think local people need to respect the town more and use common sense when parking, which doesn’t seem to be happening.”

Following the meeting , Councillor Graeme Tait has put out a call for action.

He said: “I attended Lockerbie Community Council last night and there is growing concern and safety issues with there not being any identified markings on the road to show where you can and can – not park.

“My understanding is tha t there are not enough resources to carry this out. If this is the case, we need to come up with the funding to complete the task and complete what needs finishing urgently, including the safety audit.”

He added: “As we all know, we cannot control people’s driving behaviour, however we need to take the common sense approach and do something before it is too late.”

Mr Tait was also very pro-active and vocal about the issue of the Lockerbie cross.

After the town centre was re – furbished, the white lines at the cross were not immediately replaced and many drivers treated the cross as a roundabout, leading to many near misses.

Mr Tait hopes his call to action on road markings will not go unheard and is confident all his fellow Annandale North councillors will back him .

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How do you take your stories?

FOOD, glorious food is a passion for retired professor Ian Grierson who has returned to live in Annandale. After over 20 years as the head of eye research at Liverpool University, he has now switched his focus to cooking, for which he has had a fascination since the Millennium. Indeed, Ian has even published a few books on the topic, including “Vegetables for Vision”, “Dishy Stories” and “Dishes with Strange Names. Traditional British and Irish Food”, and he used to write a food column when he lived in Merseyside. Now settled back in his native Dumfriesshire, Ian believes many of his stories, and recipes, will be of interest to readers. We are delighted to be sharing this piece about stovies.