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£2m economic boost for region

By Charlotte MacKay
£2m economic boost for region

TOURISM, business, community and agriculture projects in the South of Scotland have been awarded more than £2.1 million to support economic development across the region.

A total of 28 projects will benefit from Scottish Government funding through the South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) to support the region’s economic recovery and help generate future job opportunities.

Speaking on Thursday SOSE chairman Prof Russell Griggs OBE, pictured above, said: “This milestone investment comes at a vital time to support our communities and businesses as they look to the future. We have been able to support a diverse range of projects, each a response to the particular circumstances and opportunities of the South of Scotland, each ambitious for the future. Today’s announcement confirms our commitment to continue to work with communities and businesses across the South of Scotland to support them in their aspirations.”

The group receiving the greatest investment is the Crichton Trust, who will use £833,127 of funding towards the Crichton Central project. It will see the existing Criffel View building within the Crichton campus transformed into a business incubation facility for small and micro businesses – the first of its kind in Dumfries.

Crichton Trust chief executive Gwilym Gibbons said: “Crichton Central was always in our plans for 2020, but it has become increasingly important to the South of Scotland as we transition into our new coronavirus world. On behalf of the Crichton Trust, I would like to thank the Scottish Government and SOSE for acknowledging the potential of Crichton Central and for their substantial financial contribution to help make this development possible.”

Other Dumfries and Galloway projects benefiting from funding include Eardley Transport, who will receive £200,000 to create a modern transport and logistics hub in Ecclefechan, and Boyd Group who will be supported in assisting business expansion at Cargenbridge Industrial Estate in Dumfries.

South Scotland-wide projects include increased provision of the Better Lives Partnership’s programme to help young people with austictic spectrum disorder to access learning and employment opportunities and the creation of livestock holding facilities to encourage co-operation between farmers to reduce costs.

And a series of feasibility studies will be commissioned looking at projects ranging from a centralised regional food and drink hub and alternative land use, to equestrian tourism and a waste to energy power plant.

Dumfries and Galloway Council deputy leader Rob Davidson said: “This is welcome news for our area at a time when we are looking ahead at opportunities as well as continuing our extensive work to deal with the ongoing recovery from Covid-19. I am sure the projects announced today will be delighted with this news as we start to emerge from lockdown and look to the future of our area.”