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18,000 tests were negative

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By Fiona Reid
18,000 tests were negative

ONLY 1.9 per cent of all coronavirus tests carried out in Dumfries and Galloway since March have come back positive.

Public Health Scotland have published figures showing there have been just 341 positive cases confirmed locally, compared to 17,995 negative test results in the area.

Despite the low incidence of infection, a leading public health official has warned that life in the region won’t be back to normal for some time.

Valerie White is the interim director of public health for NHS Dumfries and Galloway and she has been appealing to the public to keep following Covid guidelines.

She said: “It is not surprising we find ourselves in a situation where we are seeing increases in infection rates. We have been moving out of lockdown, we have been visiting friends and family, going o holiday, having days out.

“But the vast majority of our population has not been exposed to Covid-19, so the infection presents a very real risk to us all.”

Ms White added: “I really am truly sorry that we are still in this place. Our lives are really not back to normal and I’m sorry to say that they won’t be for some time to come. But in every situation there is always hope and, although Dumfries and Galloway is a small region, its people make it absolutely mighty and you have all together done such a sterling job in keeping the virus low in our region.

“We just need to keep going with this and if we are in it together and we suppress the virus, we can hopefully avoid some of these restrictive measures that have been put in place in other areas and keep our region up and running.”

Picture by Sergeant Donald Todd (RLC) / ©MoD Crown


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