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£15m harbour project back on track

By Zac Hannay
Annan and Eskdale
£15m harbour project back on track
REDEVELOPMENT . . . an artist’s impression of the Annan Harbour transformation. Pics: Arc Architects

LAST year was unexpectedly frustrating for Annan Harbour Action Group (AHAG).

Their plans to redevelop the Port Street site into a star visitor attraction stalled as a result of the General Election announcement.

And a would-be transformational funding award from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund was cast into doubt.

However, eventually the Autumn Budget announced good news and the backlog of legal agreements, project structures, and project management procedures were all addressed.

This allowed for the formal contract to be signed between AHAG and the local authority in late December.

It is now hoped work on the transformational redevelopment will be able to get underway in just under a year.

AHAG chairman Richard Brodie this week said: “It was quite a relief to have the project confirmed in writing because it has been quite a journey!

“The project will regenerate an important part of our town, create jobs for local people and make Annan an attractive place to visit.

“We must ensure our visitor centre tells our maritime history in the best way possible, that the environmental improvements on the Merse are top class and that water sports provision meets people’s needs.”

  • Read more in the latest edition of the Annandale Observer

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